Sunday, April 20, 2008

News for April 20th

Some of you may be wondering why I have not created many new dolls this month. It has been a crazy month here in the Talbot Walker Household. My significant other of 13 years, Joel, has had a lot of neck problems forcing him to take a leave from work. He has been through a lot of treatments for the ongoing pain and we have had a few ER visits. So as you can imagine with kids at home as well I am pooped out. So I have been taking things a bit slower this month. Good news is that Joel should be on the mend and I can resume my regular work load. It will be nice to get back in action.

In the meantime I have been working on Prototype "Ella Rose" for Vikki Ebbeling. She will be ready in 2 more days and photos will be posted. Vikki will be bringing Ella Rose with her to the St. Louis Missouri Doll Show in June to show. So that is very exciting.

I have one OOAK Fairy that has been sculpted but still needs hands so that should be ready in the next week. As you know I have not sculpted a miniature fairy in months. My Babies have been so popular that they kind of took over for a bit.

Other things happening is that I am working on taking in orders for Logo work. I will be available for hire to create web logos for websites. I can also do other graphic work for websites as well if anyone is interested just e-mail me at

So keep checking back or go to my website to sign up for my mailing list for the upcoming dolls.
